Saturday, November 10, 2007

Somebody Get This Toilet Off My Head

I think I have a love hangover. Waking from a night's hard partying, with my head on the toilet seat, swearing off the sauce for good because of my current condition, that is the same yucky feeling I have about love. It sucks, it's fun while it lasted, but you always stumble into the day where the fun's all gone and your queasy arms are clutching the toilet, wondering how drunk you were to let it progress to this. When the urge to vomit passes, you're still stuck with the baggage, be it headache or heartbreak. You have to spend the whole day laying there doing nothing, and feeling like shit for the duration, pissed off at the culprits of your illness, nothing can be done. Time is the only thing that cures a hangover. And when you're feeling yourself again, you can't drink anymore. There isn't any drink out there that will look appealing when you think about your hair lightly brushing the inside rim of the toilet as you gagged up every ounce of bile and alcohol your stomach is capable of holding. Your social life is crap, because while everyone you know is out drinking and having a grand old time you're cursed to stay at home and be bored, listless, and generally unhappy because you remember the last time you had a hangover and don't want to repeat it again. Hoping that soon, you'll be able to forget about the hangover, want to go and have fun again. Knowing that right now, it feels like you're doomed to a lonely, boring life because you never figured out how to handle things like love. Or your alcohol.

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