Tuesday, July 19, 2005

New! Guide To Living In Nebraska

Easy Steps to Successful Nebraska Living:

1: Get a lobotomy

Well, actually that's it.
Good luck with that.

Generation IPod

Has Everybody Lost Their Fucking Minds??

Seeing as how this is my first post ever, on my first blog ever, and chances are pretty fucking good that no one will read this, I feel comfortable chastising people to the point of near emotional breakdown.
The reason I bring this topic (if one wants to call it that) to the table is that as a disenfranchised 22 year old, I feel as though people are more concerned about their I-Pods than their peers, their minds, or their world. For all you non I-Pod people out there, don't expect any kudos because you're probably saving up for one. The point being: I-Pod bad. Jessica always good and right.
Okay probably not really.
There is like a huge snarling gap in my generation's peoples. We are all kind of roaming around, doing whatever, with no common cause. What unites us? We're not a baby boomer type generation. We're not Gen Xers. What are we? Do any of us have a common cause? Will we go down in history as Generation I-Pod? A Generation without purpose?
Disclaimer: Please excuse all cliches and stereotypes. I must be a boring writer.
There's the "thugs" (which extend across racial lines), "young republicans", "rockers" (which I must say, being a rocker or even a rock fan nowadays requires a special void in creativity and originality), "Christian Youth" (which fits snugly with the "young republicans"), "GLTBAWTHDATLSF" (what do all those letters stand for, anyway?) "Popettes" (I coined that term; refers to people who love to cover themselves with fabric thats proportional to a napkin and call it an outfit) "Metros", and I guess, an "anti-establishment" crowd. Which I would probably identify with, if I could find these people.
Now I realize that these sorts of divisions are common, nay, normal to any generation. There's millions of us. If we were all the same, we would make Stalin look like Bambi. But!
One day at UNL (University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Get used to the shorthand) a GLTBTA (is that even right?) poster was ripped down and vandalized. By other students. Now, I don't really care what people think, but c'mon. The people who that poster pertains to already catch shit from churches, old white men, Republicans, etc etc. Why from us? We shouldn't be attacking our own. When we're all busy hating eachother, who's gonna hate our parents?
Generation IPod is a quivering mass of bile spewing indecision. But at least we have some killer tunes playing.