Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Bird Flu Is Total Bullshit

Ooooooooh I am incredibly pissed. Am I the only American left who can still read? Or think?
7 billion dollars is what "our" Government wants to spend on bird flu. Vaccinne, education, whatever. 7 billion dollars, because there's a pandemic on the way.
ABC News just broadcast a piece beginning with "Imagine hostipals overflowing with Americans sick with bird flu, and no way to help" blah blah.
They "estimated" 30% of Americans will get infected, and 1.9 million will die.
Pretty fucking scary.
Now lets get to reality- THERE IS NO WAY YOU ARE GOING TO DIE OF BIRD FLU. And the reason I know this is because there's a country called China, with about a billion people living in it who have been battling bird flu for 3 years. Total deaths contributed to this horrid disease: (drumroll)
163. People. Not 163 million people, which given what I just heard on the news is not outside the realm of possibility, but 163.
163 out of 1 billion people. And the people who were affected got it by literally sleeping with chickens. They were farmers with tons of sick chickens in their backyard.
When bird flu spread to Eastern Europe, it was a huge story. Total deaths there- like 20.
Let me help the Government here a little bit. Because maybe they're a little confused:
1.9 Million American birds probably will die. See, if you just change one word, it gets a lot scarier. Let's change it back. Birds will die. Not people.
The people most at risk are going to be the people exposed to birds for long periods of time. Chicken farmers, like the ones in China, Laos,and Cambodia are going to have to watch it. But we're a lot more sanitary here, and we usually don't keep them in our backyards.
For the rest of us- 163 out of a billion is not gonna get me running to my doctor for a shot. Bird Flu is bullshit. 7 Billion fucking dollars and a lot of innocent people freaking out... Fuck You Government. Go fight "terrorism" or something. Quit blowing all my fucking money on kickback crap, lies, and cronyism.
If I am wrong, then let me be the first to die. I'll even sleep in a chicken coop for a week if you want. Fucking bird flu..........Jeez.