Monday, October 31, 2005

Holy Shit I Was Right

In the interest of full disclosure, let me just say that I am a little drunk, Okay, so I have to work tomorrow, and I'm pissed because it totally ruins my Halloween, so I went and got wasted. Which is bad for two reasons: 1. My pinkie already hurts from hitting backspace so much, and 2. Do you know how hard it is to stand in the shower while wasted? God. I just want to go to bed.
But HEY!!!! Supreme Court nominee!! Whee! I asked these old dudes at the bar who it was, and they said it was Samuel Anoretfuiowhrfwuio or something. A "moderate" conservative who they said was actually more like Scalia. And I said
Which actually sucks because this gomer is going to be on the Supreme Court.
(In case you're wondering what I'm talking about, please refer to the second to last previous blog. Not the one where I hate everything, because that's not shocking to anyone. But the one before that.)
I want my 20 hot dogs in buns, with ketchup. Except not now because I might barf.
Some guy told me he was going to give packages of Ramen noodles to trick or treaters. They're on sale- 10 for a buck. I didn't have any response to that. I just laughed.
My damn costume got ruined, too. I have to get up at like 5:30, so I don't get to go out. And I wanted to be the Village People, but I don't know 5 other people willing to subject themselves to that kind of humiliation. But did that stop me? No. I'm still the Village People, damnit. So I got a construction hat with a feather, and an giant belt buckle over some leather chaps... you get the idea. Amanda was "partly cloudy with a chance of rain" so basically she's cotton balls with a squirt bottle.
Fuck Working.
So anyways, I'd better be like a politician or something. Because

Things I Hate

Yes, I know that my title isn't very creative. That's because I hate people who expect creative titles. It's just a big fuck you.
I've been pissed lately, and I figure that instead of drinking a 12 pack and getting into a bar fight, I should safely vent my anger in a constructive way. And this is what I came up with. Things I hate.

Let's start with a simple, cognitive list.
I hate:
Car commercials
Soap in bar form
Cell phones
Electric toothbrushes
Cellophane on cigarette packs
Glow in the dark condoms
64oz refillable cups of Mountain Dew
VO5 shampoo
Cinnamon toothpaste
Car lighters
Pink shots with no booze in them
Oklahoma Sooners
Miller High Life
Cake frosting
The skin on nacho cheese dip
Amanda's next door neighbor, Eric
The Library Lounge
Country music
Fox News
Orange juice
SUV promotions that throw in a year's worth of gas
Washing my face
Smoking cigs in 10 degree weather
Smoking cigs in 95 degree weather
HuHot Mongolian Grill
Maxi pads
The Steeler's head coach
The free gift you get when you open a checking account
The onion inside of onion rings
Designer sunglasses
Elmer's glue
Brown booze
Medium bags of peanut M&M's
Bruce Springsteen
Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi
And investment banking

And now a more comprehensive list:
What kind of a dumbass buys an SUV? These people are morons. Hey, let's stick it to the A-rabs and buy giant cars that use tons of gas and make the A-rabs richer!!! I hate SUV people.
I hate people that turn washing their cars into a zen experience.
I hate the dude sitting next to me telling me that smoking is bad while eating a bucket of fried chicken.
I hate MTV and I hate the people who watch it. It must take extra effort to be that stupid.
I hate dudes who wear pink. Wanna borrow my Barbies while you're at it?
Steven Segal movies should be banned. There's nothing I hate more than a Steven Segal movie. I also hate the people who watch Steven Segal movies. And the TV stations who broadcast them.
I hate the FCC. You can't show anything sexy on TV, but you can say "shit" and kill someone. If I'm going to pay 85 dollars a month for cable, then I want some sex.
I hate perfume. Paris Hilton, JLo, Brittney Spears, Michael Jordan, The Pope and Dick Cheney all have "signature scents." Well, I can tell you what they all smell like, respectively: lubricant, tacos, beer, sweat, cow dung, and antiseptic. There, I just saved you 150 bucks.
I hate cowboys who drive Hummers. I shit you not, I saw a farmer in a cowboy hat driving a Hummer. It's like George Bush releasing a rap video, or eating a ketchup milkshake. Some things just don't go together.
I hate cell phones. I know I already said this once, But my hatred runs deep. See, nobody would call me, so basically I would be spending 200 bucks a month to play snake at red lights. And I hate red lights.
And most of all, I hate you. Because nobody ever reads this damn thing, and I need approval!!! Or I'll end up hating myself. And then I'll be Ashley Simpson. And I hate her too.