Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bush Blames Senate For Being a Tool

Apparently, being a judge isn't a prerequisite for being a judge.
President Bush made a bold move by listening to Congress for the first time last week. He says that in the historic listening action, one of the ideas he heard was to nominate a Supreme Court Justice with no prior judicial experience.
Now call me crazy, but oh, I don't know, maybe a little experience would be helpful seeing as how it's the SUPREME COURT. It's the same as promoting me to CEO of Budweiser because I can hold my liquor.
While I have my doubts about the Senate being the ones to villify this obviously over-qualified choice, I do have to wonder why he picked her in the first place. I mean, why didn't he pick some Scalia type crazy person? It's not like they wouldn't have been confirmed. Karl Rove and the Political Sham Band aren't around just to look pretty. (ain't that the truth.) This administration usually has no trouble getting what they want. Why nominate this woman with no record of her views? Maybe she is a Scalia type crazy person, and they're keeping it secret. But the right is so pissed that she has no judicial record that they're threatening to block the nomination.
So I guess since nobody can figure out what she's about from her prior judging, we'll have to use the time-tested method of makeup application to figure out what she's all about. Gays have been using this method for centuries, and it seems to work. I've never been hit on by a lesbian before.
So okay. Everybody grab your Harriet Miers pics and lets go at it.
First thing I notice is the lack of technique. Almost looks like she just put makeup on for the first time yesterday. Also notice how the blush on her cheeks is pronounced. Nobody taught this woman the fine art of blending. Her hair seems to have the quality of a helmet, which means either it's a wig, or she had Aqua Net for breakfast. Now the lips and the shape of the chin, it's very masculine looking.............holy shit Harriet Miers iS A MAN!!!!! She's a man dressed in woman's clothing!! Ah, now it all makes sense. It's Pat Robertson in drag!
What would everybody do if it wasn't for me and my awesome powers of deduction? You totally owe me like 25 hot dogs for this one.