Saturday, November 10, 2007

All While I Chainsmoke and Listen to Foreigner

Not that it matters, but I think that underwear is stupid. I was a big fan of the underwear, or pantie, as it has taken to being called, until the thong jumped in the scene like a giant shoe lace and completely ruined my sense of comfort. Why would a person want to walk around with a string made of cotton wedged between their ass cheeks?

Jen: What are you watching?
Irv: Brooke Shields brushing her teeth. Why would anybody want to watch Brook Shields brush her teeth? Look, she'd really going at it, too!"
Jen: Irv, if you don't like it, why are you watching it?
Irv. It's like a train wreck. I can't look away. It's actually reminding me of "the bowflex guy."
Jen: Who's the "bowflex guy?"
Irv: "Bowflex guy?" He's in a band.
Jen: What the hell are you talking about?
Irv: He's in a band. He's a 50 year old guy who got ripped on his bowflex and plays guitar with no shirt on.
Jen: Oookay. So what does a half naked pumped up guitar player have to do with Booke Shields?
Irv: I'd rather watch "bowflex guy" brush his teeth, and Brooke Shields work out.
Jen: How much time do you actually spend thinking about this?
Irv. Whenever a commercial comes on.
Jen: Okay, so what are you actually watching?
Irv. America's Next Top Model. Those girls are pretty, but they're deep man, they're fucking deep.

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