Thursday, January 07, 2010

Just to get this all out of my head

So he hates cars. Yet he drove from Omaha to here just to "see me" one more time before he shipped off. Someone who hates driving cars so much drove 1000 miles because of me.
Would a guy really drive 1000 miles for sex?
He won't e-mail. It's driving me nuts. How could I really let myself think he would?
We are so different, and I knew it way back when, and once I actually told him that we wouldn't work.
So why am I always so upset when the inevitable end comes?
Moving was me. I started it. I was moving first. He may have wanted to before, but until I'm all of a sudden around, and talking about leaving and new lives did he finally do it.
I've always wondered if had I never even had the thought, if I had never left and spent more time in Lincoln with him, what would have happened?
My biggest fear was nothing. So I left before that could happen.
How does he feel about me?
He really does have the emotional range of a teaspoon, his being is based in logic and the world of thought. Once again with the different, for I am the complete opposite.
So why did we happen in the first place?
It felt so strange because it was him, but also very simple and pleasurable.
The first time we kissed we just giggled and giggled, because it was so ridiculous.
We both really like giggling.
How could it ever work? I'm impulsive, and emotional, and fearful. He's brave, and organized, and doesn't ever let an emotion loose.
He wanders, and I nest.
2 years. He doesn't even have to be here, to be here.

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